• Will my contact with victim services be made known to the general public?

    Absolutely not. Your confidentiality and dignity are paramount and will be respected at all times.

  • Are volunteers considered counsellors?

    No. Victim services volunteers are there for the emotional, physical, appropriate guiding, and information support of victims only. If professional counseling is to be considered, referrals will be made, with the permission of the victim to an appropriate counseling agency.

  • What is the relationship between the police and the volunteer?

    The volunteer works as a partner with the police in a structured and confidential manner. The volunteer receives in confidence, just enough information about the victim’s plight in order to responsibly work with the victim under the Privacy Act. The volunteer can act as a liaison between the victim and police in a respectful and appropriate manner.

  • Can I trust a volunteer?

    Yes. The volunteer has been security cleared by the RCMP and has sworn to an oath of Secrecy in front of a Commissioner of Oaths as well as signing an agreement to adhere to all ethical standards contained in the Victim Services – South West Code of Ethics.

  • If I call upon Victim Services for assistance, will there be a financial cost?

    No. The Victim Services – South West Program’s mission is to provide support, referral, advocacy, and information to all victims of crime and traumatic events at no financial cost.

  • Can I call Victim Services myself without police involvement?

    Yes. In cases such as this, victim services would discuss the individual issue with you for purposes of possible referral to the appropriate agency.

For more information visit our Services page for more information.

FAQ for Volunteers

  • Do I have to be a health professional provider to be a volunteer with Victim Services?

    No. As long as you are a caring adult age 18 or older, and can be security cleared by the RCMP, you are more than welcome to apply as a volunteer.

  • Are volunteers paid for their services?

    No. However, if out-of-pocket expenses are incurred, such as high mileage, meals etc, the volunteer will be reimbursed at Provincial Government rates.

  • To whom does the volunteer report to?

    The Program Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator, who are governed by a Board of Directors which are community volunteers themselves.

  • If any of my immediate or distant family have a criminal record, will that prevent me from becoming a volunteer?

    Generally speaking, no. It would be dependent upon the RCMP security clearance process.

  • What does the RCMP security clearance process consist of and should I be intimidated by it?

    The completion of questionnaires pertinent to family history, employment history, and education, provision of your fingerprints, a criminal record check, and interviews with RCMP members. The process is a lengthy one but, rest assured, there is no need to feel intimidated.

For more information visit our Volunteer page for detailed requirements and to download an application form.